Saturday, March 22, 2008

Obama in Center of Racial Divide

Obama Finds Pulpit in Center of Racial Divide -
"Like other black churches, Trinity's services are full of raucous laughter and sometimes bawdy humor." Obama said . " The church contains in full the kindness and cruelty, the fierce intelligence and the shocking ignorance, the struggles and successes, the love and, the bitterness and bias that make up the black experience in America." Some of Wright's words, Obama said, reflect an anger and bitterness still felt within Wright's battle-scarred generation. Such feelings should be addressed and understood, not wished away, Obama said, in and effort to heal and transcend racial divides. By Adelle M. Banks Religion News Service.

Obama you said, "in an effort to heal and transcend racial divides"? Have we not been doing this since the 1960's? Most of those hate mongers among the whites are dead now and have meet their maker. In fact relations among whites and blacks are better today but I guess not in the black churches. I guess, I being white, never knew this was going on in the black churches. I thought they were preaching the Gospels of Christ. Obama do you know what that is? Not the gospel of hate, the Devil's gospel.

You said that Rev. Wright, and his generation, is full of anger and bitterness toward white people. How do you know this? What are the teaching's of Jesus Christ one to another? He never taught his followers to hate their enemies and never to forgive them.

Jesus Christ, a Jew, was almost beaten to death by some Roman soldiers, white men. They stuck thorns in His head and nailed His hands and feet to a cross. And as He hung their dying He looked up and ask God to forgive those white Roman soldiers because He already did.

Obama if the blacks in American need healing, than Rev, Wright and other black ministers are preaching the wrong words. They need to look to the words of Our Savior Jesus Christ, as He hung there on that cross. Father forgive them, for they don't know what they do.

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