Tuesday, April 27, 2010

San Francisco Mayor puts ban on city employee travel to Arizona

City Insider : City workers banned from official travel to Arizona

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom announced today a moratorium on official city travel to Arizona after the state enacted a controversial new immigration law that directs local police to arrest those suspected of being in the country illegally.
The ban on city employee travel to Arizona takes effect immediately, although there are some exceptions, including for law enforcement officials investigating a crime, officials said. It's unclear how many planned trips by city workers will be curtailed.
The move comes amid a cascade of criticism of Arizona's law, which has been denounced by civil rights groups, some police officials and President Obama, who said it threatens to "undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans." Legal challenges are being weighed to overturn it.

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom

The ban on city employee travel to Arizona takes effect immediately. If you deify the Mayor and go to Arizona will ypu get fired? More evidence that the Government want to take away your rights and run your life.

Supervisor David Campos and City Attorney Dennis Herrera have called for a boycott of Arizona and businesses based there. If the resolution passes, Herrera will try to identify contracts with Arizona companies that could be legally terminated.

When another state interferes with another state because of it's laws it wrong. Last time this happened we had a civil war.

If the Illegals don't like the laws of Arizona they can move to California.

Arizona SB 1070 Protest Organizers Threaten And Intimidate Photographer - Part 1

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Happy Meal Toys next Target of the Food Police.
Al Sharpton willing to commit civil disobedience in Arizona.
President Obama lied Promises to limit no bid Contracts.

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Happy Meal Toys next Target of the Food Police.

Happy Meal toys could be banned in Santa Clara County - latimes.com

The latest target in the battle over fast food is something you shouldn't even put in your mouth.

Convinced that Happy Meals and other food promotions aimed at children could make kids fat as well as happy, county officials in Silicon Valley are poised to outlaw the little toys that often come with high-calorie offerings.

The proposed ban is the latest in a growing string of efforts to change the types of foods aimed at youngsters and the way they are cooked and sold. Across the nation, cities, states and school boards have taken aim at excessive sugar, salt and certain types of fats.

Believed to be the first of its kind in the nation, the proposal would forbid the inclusion of a toy in any restaurant meal that has more than 485 calories, more than 600 mg of salt or high amounts of sugar or fat. In the case of McDonald's, the limits would include all of the chain's Happy Meals — even those that include apple sticks instead of French fries.

McDonald's Happy Meal bad for children.

Ken Yeager, the Santa Clara County supervisor who is behind the effort, says the toys in kids' meals are contributing to America's obesity epidemic by encouraging children to eat unhealthful, fattening foods.

First the clown, now the toys. What is next?

"This clown is no friend to our children or their health," said Deborah Lapidus of Corporate Accountability International, a group that sponsored the poll and protests outside McDonald's around the country.

"He is a deep-fried Joe Camel for the 21st century," she said.

Many of those surveyed had favorable feelings about red-headed Ronald, yet 47% thought it was time for him to go.

So now the Government wants to run your life since you can't runs yours or your kids.

Joe Camel

Daily smoking rates began increasing steadily again in 1988, the same year R.J. Reynolds introduced Joe Camel in its advertising for Camel cigarettes, the CDC said.

"After Joe Camel was introduced, then the promotional-type strategies kicked in," rewarding
smokers with coupons and trinkets
that encouraged them to buy more cigarettes, Giovino said. "A lot of parents weren't aware of Camel cash and that stuff, but kids were."

Joe Camel was retired last year, after critics including President Clinton said the character was
a blatant example of cigarette marketing aimed at children.

Despite laws designed to keep cigarettes away from kids, 34 percent of U.S. high school students and 15 percent of middle school students use tobacco products, government health officials say.

Those figures mean more than 3 million kids between the ages of 12 and 17 are lighting up, according to
the national survey by the Centers for Disease Control's Office of Smoking and Health.

Joe is gone and teens are still smoking.

Ronald and the toys will be gone and kids will still be eating Happy Meals.

Just more Government control and less personal freedom.

Should Ronald McDonald Retire? The liberals want to run your life.

 More post from Wag This Dog.
Immigration President Obama against Arizona Voters.
Obama presures Congress for jobs bill as Stimulus program fails.
US economy rebounds growth dismal and poor.

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Al Sharpton willing to commit civil disobedience in Arizona.

Sharpton vows to protest Arizona immigration bill

The Rev. Al Sharpton says he's ready to travel to Arizona and march in the streets to protest the state's new immigration law.
Sharpton joined Lillian Rodriguez Lopez from the Hispanic Federation in New York City on Sunday to speak out against the law. They say activists are prepared to commit civil disobedience to fight it.

Rev Al Sharpton protesting.

The Rev. Al Sharpton has incited civil disobedience in the past.


Tawana Brawley
(born 1972) is an African American woman from Wappinger, New York. In 1987, at the age of 15, she received national media attention in the US for accusing six white men, some of whom were police officers, of having raped her. Sharpton generated a national media sensation. Claimed officials all the way up to the state government were trying to cover up defendants in the case because they were white. Specifically, they named Steven Pagones, an Assistant District Attorney in Dutchess County, as one of the rapists, and a racist, among other accusations.

Brawley claimed she had been repeatedly raped by a group of white men but could provide no names or descriptions of her assailants. She later told others that there had been no rape, only other kinds of sexual abuse. Forensic tests found no evidence that a sexual assault of any kind had occurred. There was no evidence of exposure to elements, which would be expected in a victim held for several days in the woods at a time when the temperature dropped below freezing at night.

In 1998, Pagones was awarded $345,000 (he sought $395 million) through a lawsuit for defamation of character that he had brought against Sharpton, Maddox and Mason. The jury found Sharpton liable for making seven defamatory statements about Pagones. The $65,000 portion of the judgment assigned to Al Sharpton was paid for him in 2001 by supporters.


The Crown Heights Riot was a three-day riot that occurred in August 1991 in the Crown Heights neighborhood in the New York City borough of Brooklyn. The riots began on August 19, 1991 after the child of two Guyanese immigrants was accidentally struck by an automobile in the motorcade of
a prominent Hasidic rabbi.

In his eulogy at the funeral, the Rev. Al Sharpton made comments about "diamond dealers" and commented "it's an accident to allow an apartheid ambulance service in the middle of Crown Heights." In addition, a banner displayed at the funeral read "Hitler did not do the job".

For three days following the accident, numerous African Americans and Caribbean Americans of the neighborhood, joined by growing numbers of non-residents, rioted in Crown Heights. In the rioting of the ensuing three days, many of the rioters "did not even live in Crown Heights."

On June 11, 1992, after the Anti-Defamation League accused Sharpton of helping to incite anti-Semitism in the Crown Heights conflict, Sharpton scoffed, "You don't even have a direct quote from me that anyone can call anti-Semitic." Sharpton has also reminded people that he never participated in the looting and riots that followed Cato's death. In a June 29, 2003, Washington Post article, however, Sharpton took a more apologetic stance: When questioned about his past abrasive comments (which included calling blacks who disagreed with him "yellow niggers"), he said, "I've grown … I'm not as brash. There are ways I look at life now that I would not have when I was a younger man from the ghetto."


Crystal Gail Mangum, a black student at North Carolina Central University who worked as a dancer and escort, falsely accused three white Duke University students, members of the Duke Blue Devils men's lacrosse team, of raping her at a party held at the house of two team's captains in Durham, North Carolina, USA on March 13, 2006.

BILL O'REILLY, HOST: Two Duke lacrosse players have been arrested and charged with rape among other violent crimes. They are free on $400,000 bail. As you may know, the students attended a party where a stripper hired by the lacrosse team said she was raped. With us now civil rights activist Reverend Al Sharpton. Is this a racial issue?


I think that there are certainly a lot of racial factors. Whether it is directly in the case, we'll see, because some reports said that there was racial language used. But I think that when you look at the racial atmosphere, when you look at the fact that there again were the allegations of racial statements, when you look at a lot of people feeling that they have been treated differently, where this girl has basically had a character charged in the media, there is a lot of racism that's in the air. Having said that, I commend a lot of the blacks and whites who stood vigil and to come together in that community to stand up for this girl. So I think in the midst of this, there is some good.

  Why are we standing up for the girl if there is the possibility, based upon evidence, that the girl may have fabricated the story? Why don't we all pull back and let the authorities investigate and let the legal system work?

Well, first of all, the authorities have charged there was a crime, so they are not saying that at all. Second of all, people on any side of an argument have the ride to advocate on behalf of who they believe. Thirdly, I think that when the prosecutors went forward, they clearly have said this girl is the victim, so why would we be trying the victim and not the...

Under every rock and behind every tree Rev. Al Sharpton is looking for a racist. Now he is going to Arizona and looking for more racist. Hay Al, just look in the mirror.

Bill O'Reilly And Rev. Al Sharpton On "Racism" Over Health Care Bill !!!

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Immigration President Obama against Arizona Voters.

70% of Arizona Voters Favor New State Measure Cracking Down On Illegal Immigration - Rasmussen Reports™

The Arizona legislature has now passed the toughest measure against illegal immigration in the country, authorizing local police to stop and check the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being in the country illegally.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 70% of likely voters in Arizona approve of the legislation, while just 23% oppose it.

Eighty-four percent (84%) of Arizona Republicans and 69% of voters not affiliated with either major party in the state favor the new get-tough legislation. Democrats are more closely divided: 51% like the new law, but 43% oppose it.

Illegals  waiting for Obama's promises. 

President Obama said, "Our failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others," That includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threatened to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the
trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe."

So what President Obama is saying the recent efforts in Arizona is irresponsibility.

Obama said the administration will "closely monitor the situation (Arizona) and examine the civil rights (illegal immigrants) and other implications of this legislation."

With 70% of Arizona approval of the new law, President Obama again is going against the people.

Barack Obama: Immigration. He doesn't believe in sending any illegal immigrants back home.
If you can't send them all back, than leave the pot smokers alone. You can't arrest them all.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Family income falls 3.2% during Obama's first 15 months.

Income falls 3.2% during Obama's term - Washington Times

Real personal income for Americans - excluding government payouts such as Social Security - has fallen by 3.2 percent since President Obama took office in January 2009, according to the Commerce Department's Bureau of Economic Analysis.

For comparison, real personal income during the first 15 months in office for President George W. Bush, who inherited a milder recession from his predecessor, dropped 0.4 percent. Income excluding government payouts increased 12.7 percent during Mr. Bush's eight years in office.

"This is hardly surprising," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, an economist and former director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. "Under President Obama, only federal spending is going up; jobs, business startups, and incomes are all down. It is proof that the government can't spend its way to prosperity."

Construction slowdown

Two of the most populous states in the country reported dramatic declines: Per capita income in California dropped 3.5 percent to $42,325; in New York, the drop was 3.8 percent to $46,957.

"The evidence from New York and California reinforces a basic lesson: Where government gets too large, prosperity suffers. Let's hope that the Congress learns this lesson before it is too late for the country as a whole."

On the campaign trail, Mr. Obama often derided Mr. Bush for what he said were dramatically falling incomes for workers.

"American families, since George Bush has been in office, have seen average family incomes go down $2,000," Mr. Obama said in a September 2008 speech on the economy in Green Bay, Wis.

And now with all the Federal spending under President Obama, family income is still falling. And all President Obama wants to do is spend, spend, spend your money. Your children's and grand children's money.

1/24/09: I will be transparent and you can hold my administration accountable.

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