Friday, March 29, 2019

Unplanned movie what is hollywood and the left afraid of ?

If you haven’t seen a commercial for Unplanned, an anti-abortion movie critical of Planned Parenthood, it isn’t for lack of trying on the part of marketers, whose efforts have been consistently rebuffed by TV networks.
 Marketing Unplanned has been an uphill battle for a few months now, since the MPAA saddled the film with an R rating, which filmmakers say will chase away a key demographic: Christians. Indeed, Up TV cited the R rating when it also rejected the commercial, as did several Christian radio channels that also refused to air ads for Unplanned.

 Johnson, 38, is a pro-life activist who previously worked as one of the youngest Planned Parenthood employees ever to earn the title of clinic director. She released her Unplanned memoir in October 2011 after resigning from her position in October 2009. Johnson, who says she helped orchestrate 22,000 abortions before leaving Planned Parenthood, claimed to have quit after seeing an abortion take place on an ultrasound.

 The abortion doctor explains that he needs to perform an “ultrasound-guided procedure” and wants Abby to “hold probe” on the ultrasound. While he makes preparations for the abortion, Abby sets up the ultrasound and suddenly we hear a heartbeat and see a 13-week-old baby on the monitor. The girl receiving the abortion begins to panic, as the abortion doctor yells at her to “hold still!” The nurse holds her down, coldly lecturing her, “You want it done, don’t you?”

At this point, the abortion doctor begins to place a catheter in the girl’s cervix to perform a suction D&C abortion. As we can clearly see on the monitor, the baby reacts viscerally to what is taking place: “It just moved away from the catheter,” Abby says, stunned.

 “They always move. That’s why I do it this way!” the doctor snaps back.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Trump’s approval rating among black voters at record high as Democrats try to keep blacks on the plantation

President Donald Trump’s approval rating among black voters is at a record high, according to the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll.

President Trump’s approval rating among blacks stood at 40% in a Rasmussen poll two days before Halloween. Rasmussen surveys are often friendlier to the president than those of other polling organizations, so critics are quick to dismiss them as outliers. In this instance, however, that could be a mistake.

 Voters feel young black Americans are better off under President Trump than they were under Barack Obama, the nation’s first black president.

 Since Donald Trump officially declared himself a candidate for the presidency of the United States in 2015, there has been a constant drumbeat of allegations coming from Democrats and certain members of the media claiming that the former tycoon and businessman is a dyed-in-the-wool racist,

This is being done to keep blacks on the Democrat plantation and keep them voting for Democrats. The play from their playbook is to convince Blacks and Latinos that President Donald Trump is a racist and keep their vote under the Democrat tent.

Here are some samples from the play book.

Michael Cohen, the convicted liar and disbarred former lawyer to President Donald Trump, will accuse Trump of being a “racist,”

 Former President Obama suggested that President Trump is not solving the world’s problems because he has “racism” and “mommy issues.”

 Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated that President Trump can begin to prove he’s not racist or bigoted by supporting the bipartisan immigration compromise.

 MSNBC’s “Deadline,” network host Al Sharpton said President Donald Trump is a racist obsessed with race.

At a Martin Luther King Jr. celebration in Columbia, SC, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said President Donald Trump was “a racist.”

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said President Donald Trump “has been racist, he’s been sexist. He’s been Islamophobic. He has been anti-LQBTQ.”

 CNN host Don Lemon wondered why so many of President Donald Trump’s supporters overlook his “racism”

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) said President Donald Trump’s “phony” populism was anti-Semitic and racist.

 Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claimed  there is “no question” that President Donald Trump is a “racist.”

CBS’s “The Late Show,” during his monologue, host Stephen Colbert said President Donald Trump was a “horny old racist

 CNN’s “Newsroom,” Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) said President Donald Trump was unleashing racism in America.

Donald Trump was never accused of racism before he ran for president in 2016.

If you look hard you can see what the Democrats are up to. Remember it's your vote! Vote the way you want not the way someone else wants you to.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Hillary Clinton suggested that voter suppression in Wisconsin contributed to her 2016 election defeat

Hillary Clinton has told a crowd in a historic black church in Selma Alabama, that the absence of the Voting Rights Act contributed to her 2016 defeat to Donald Trump.

 Hillary stated, “I was the first person who ran for president without the protection of the Voting Rights Act, “I’ll tell you, it makes a really big difference. And it doesn’t just make a difference in Alabama and Georgia. It made a difference in Wisconsin, where the best studies that have been done said somewhere between 40,000 and 80,000 people were turned away from the polls because of the color of their skin, because of their age, because of whatever excuse could be made up to stop a fellow American citizen from voting.”

In Hillary Clinton book, What Happened, she wrote  “In Wisconsin, where I lost by just 22,748 votes, a study from Priorities USA estimated that the new voter ID law helped reduce turnout by 200,000 votes, primarily from low-income and minority areas,”

 Priorities USA is a left-wing organization, which backed President Obama, and Clinton and says that  "the voter ID requirement undoubtedly prevented or discouraged some people from voting. But the report did not attributes all of the decrease in turnout to the ID law, when there are many other reasons that could also explain it, including a lack of enthusiasm for Clinton or Trump, or perhaps a belief that Trump couldn’t win Wisconsin."

 While Politifact cites experts who say that voter ID laws may have reduced turnout, it is far from certain how many people this affected.

 A host of establishment media outlets were declaring victory for Hillary Clinton weeks before the U.S. presidential election.

NPR stated, 
Let's make one thing clear: Three weeks out from this election, Hillary Clinton is winning — and it's not close. Yes, people still have to vote, but if Democratic groups come out — and the Trump scorched-earth campaign is more like a white flag than an actual strategy — Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United State.

 The latest NPR Battleground Map shows that while Trump's path was always been narrow, now it's nearly nonexistent. The only places where the map has really expanded amid Trump's controversies is into Republican territory.

This type of reporting is voter suppression which was done by all the national media.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Many Latino migrants are being raped by the cartel-affiliated coyotes

The New York Times has admitted that many Latino migrants are being raped by the cartel-affiliated coyotes who traffick them to jobs in Democratic-run cities.

 The stories are many, and yet all too similar. Undocumented women making their way into American border towns have been beaten for disobeying smugglers, impregnated by strangers, coerced into prostitution, shackled to beds and trees and — in at least a handful of cases — bound with duct tape, rope or handcuffs.

 For weeks, a 36-year-old mother of three, was in a locked room, the cartel-affiliated coyotes she had paid to get her safely to the United States drugged her with pills and cocaine, refusing to let her out even to bathe.

The huge scale of rape is exactly why it is immoral for us to continue with these catch-and-release policies which encourage people to make this dangerous journey.

Those policies are protected by Democrats and by GOP groups, each of which has their own incentive to encourage the migration of workers. 

President Trump has used the threat faced by migrant women to make his case for a border wall. “One in three women are sexually assaulted on the dangerous trek up through Mexico,” he said in January — an estimate that appears to have originated from some limited surveys, one of them by Doctors Without Borders, of women traveling through Mexico.

 Rape of migrants is so common that some women and girls plan for it, taking or bringing contraception, or they may be required to take it by smugglers. A PBS NewsHour story about sexual assault of female migrants interviewed a pharmacist in Altar in Sonora, who said that the town is one of the last stops for someone about to cross the border, and that in the pharmacy she frequently receives the same question: "What can I do in case I'm raped, and I don't want to get pregnant.

 Cases of abuses are rarely reported or prosecuted, and data about these crimes is difficult to acquire or assess The newspaper La Jornada surveyed women attempting to migrate while they were in Mexican border cities. 30% said coyotes forced them to have sex as payment. Because many of the offenses involve people in power or connected to organized crime, many women also fear retaliation for speaking up

Britain will open Europe’s first transgender prison

Britain will open Europe’s first transgender prison wing this week, after sexual assaults at women’s jails by male inmates who ‘identified’ as female and are incarcerated with women.

 The wing, within a women's prison in south London, will initially cater for three offenders who were born male but have since changed gender.

 Officials say the three prisoners, who have Gender Recognition Certificates, will not have access to the other women at HMP Downview, in Sutton.

 The Gender Recognition Act 2004 enables transsexual people to apply to receive a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC). A Gender Recognition Certificate is the document issued that shows that a person has satisfied the criteria for legal recognition in the acquired gender.

  The chief executive of the Howard League for Penal Reform, said vulnerable women were being put at risk by a small number of violent men whose primary interest was harming women.

  During a recent prison visit a governor told her of five prisoners who were identifying as women and had asked for transfer. All had a history of sexual violence against women and had had their requests turned down. 

 “In my view, any man who has committed a serious sexual or violent offense against women, still has a penis and still has male hormones, should not be put into a women’s prison. There is a case for having separate provision; that is a debate to be had.”